I know it feels it, but you are not too much.
The moon pulls you in too many directions - you are water. The water is just beginning to take over and I know how scary that is. I remember it. Know that one day you will be in control of it. Know that one day your movements will be recognized as a pure, raw, powerful beauty. Listen to that and trust me.
While you are learning to control it, you must learn to apologize. Say sorry and mean it. Create art when you can’t control it. Pour your soul on a canvas, a page, a songbook. Share your art as an explanation. Those who wish to know you will take interest in these offerings. Keep close those who try to reach you through your art.
You will move and shift too often for others to keep up. Never slow for them. They will learn to ride the waves, tread your water, get out, or drown. Keep those who swim well. Keep those who know how to hold you. They will place their hands on you, but never too tight. They need to respect the water that resides in you, how it flows.
I know it feels it, but you are not too much. One day you may hear that enough to eventually believe it. Until that day comes please listen to and trust me - for I am water too.