

That Kind of Girl

My son and his female best friend ran up to where her mom and I were standing after the bell rang. Excited, they wanted to know if she could come to our house to play after school. ‘Of course,’ we agreed. Excited, she ran off, my son watching her. Then he turned to her mom and said, “You know why I like her so much? Because she’s so crazy that she makes life fun.”

She’s so crazy that she makes life fun.

That kind of girl is my kind of girl.

Let us all choose to have more of those kinds of girls in our lives:

Girls that make life fun.

Girls that laugh from their bellies.

Girls that run wild in nature, unafraid of spiders, mud, and the unknown.

Girls that skinny-dip in open bodies of water.

Girls that are hot-tempered because they are passionate.

Girls that pop-over, uncaring of the social norms to ‘call first.’

Girls that tell a story that captivates the room.

Girls that swing high and jump from the top.

Girls that break bones and then rock the cast.

Girls that stand, front-row at the concert, and sing along on the top of their lungs.

Girls that book flights, leave, and do it alone.

Girls that set goals only to crush them.

Girls that make life fun.

I wanted to grab him, kiss him, and tell him to never let that standard go. Never. Because once you have that kind of girl in your life:

She’ll love you without reserve.

She’ll tell a story or joke that will bring you to tears.

She’ll explore with you, hold a caterpillar and marvel at it’s beauty.

She’ll have you naked and swimming with her before you can argue.

She’ll demand respect because she knows she deserves it.

She’ll make you soup when you’re sick.

She’ll open your eyes to the world and show you how she sees it.

She’ll cover your eyes and ask that you follow her.

She’ll get up, brush herself off, time and time again.

She’ll grab your hand and pull you in.

She’ll be spontaneous but calculating her her actions.

She’ll encourage you, no matter how lofty your goals.

She’ll create fun where no fun otherwise exists.

Here’s the thing, son:

That kind of girl will be an amazing mother.

That kind of girl will love those babies wildly.

That kind of girl will raise females who make life fun.

and little men who appreciate that kind of girl.

24 - Down

The Boy's Sister